Sunday: 9:30am Sunday School
10:15am Prayer and Table
10:30am Worship and Word
5:00pm Connection Groups
Wednesday: 6:30pm Food Pantry
7:00pm Youth and Children Activities
8:00pm Close and Dismiss
Welcome to
Oakcliff Church of the Nazarene.
We believe all who are in Christ are a part of His body, the Church. We are called to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples.
We believe that every day is a blessing
because we have the love of Christ,
and that we cannot help but share the
Good News of Jesus with our neighbors.
We hope that you see the joy of the Lord
as you learn about our church, and that soon we would have the privilege to pray with you, worship with you, grow with you
and serve with you.
May God bless you and welcome to YOUR neighborhood church.
OAKCLIFF CHURCH of the NAZARENE | 3601 SE 59th Street | Email: | Phone: 405-672-8150